Thursday, February 22, 2007

Clock It To Me

    So for the past couple years, I've had a hard time sleeping. It's like my thing. Sometimes I sleep well -- especially if someone is beside me -- but when alone, I often have trouble falling asleep or wake up really early.

    My dad tells me to imagine that I'm so heavy that I'm going to fall through the mattress; he says that helps people relax. It works pretty well. Counting sheep is also surprisingly helpful, although weirdly I never know where the sheep are supposed to go once they've jumped over the fence. I sometimes make them circle back, so it's just one or two sheep running around the whole time, while I count laps.

    And I've also heard that if a clock is right by your bed, seeing the time (and thus being aware of the time) can keep you wired. But the totally cute Clocky might inspire relaxation. He has a funny little face, and, if you don't turn off the alarm right away, he runs away and looks for a place to hide in your room. Oh, Clocky... Might be a more soothing option than the businessman travel alarm clock I have right now.

    Ok, good night!

    (Sheep photo by Fib; Clocky via Gina)Source URL:
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