Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Holiday Cookies- Kittycat Style

    It’s not big surprising news that I don’t cook, which means I also don’t freakin bake either.
    I mean come on, don’t they go hand in hand? Both require you to spend an undetermined amount of time in the kitchen.
    I know, what woman doesn’t like to cook or bake.
    Um, this one right here!

    SO anytime I say I am making cookies, my mom always gives me a load of shit. She says, “Which log of cookie dough did you buy this time.”
    Ha Ha Ha
    Soooo freakin funny, right? Not! 
    I see nothing wrong with pre-made cookie dough.
    Lots of people buy it. It really is the b e s t when you just eat it right out of the package. Y U M
    It after all is fast and easy.  I personally LOVE it!
    So sometimes during the whole holiday spirit thing, I get that jacked up idea in my head that I should bake s o m e t h i n g.
    I know everybody run. 
    If you really knew me, you would know that is the most idiodic idea ever.
    First, of all I am the worst at following directions. I know there is a point to them, but I still choose not to follow them.
    Sometimes it works out sometimes not.
    (For instance, the year I chose to make pumpkin pie and thought you only dumped the can of shit in the pie crust and throw it in the oven) Needless to say it tasted like shit! That was the last year anyone asked me to make pie.
    Second, when I do bake or cook I do it naked.
    So I got this wild hair up my ass that I would be all house wife like and make some cookies from scratch. For my sportsman.
    I know stop the press, what the hell did she just say. Did she just say she was gonna bake something from s c r a t c h?
    When I told the sportsman this, I though he was going to fall down and wet himself from laughing so freakin hard. Ha Ha Ha.
    Its really NOT that funny.
    Come on seriously, I am NOT a bad cook, I just need to follow the directions.
    How hard can it be?
    So now I just need to pick some awesome receipe.  I should probably stick to something fairly simple right?
    So let me think, what is my favorite? Peanut butter, but that dosen’t sound very exciting.  Kinda boring actually. Of course I bet you can’t screw up peanut butter cookies right?
    Got any ideas? Or a receipe I can use?
    I promise to take photos.
    I also promise to put some clothes on this time.  Maybe one of those apron thingys.
    What cha think about this one?
    Black is very slimming right?
    Now someone just give me a good receipe to use and I promise to share it HERE.
    Remember s i m p l e people.
    It is after all the "kittycat" we are talking about here.
    Source URL: http://ledger-heath.blogspot.com/2010/12/holiday-cookies-kittycat-style.html
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