Monday, December 13, 2010

Just, "Checking In"

    Ok, soooooo the sportsman and I have been watching this sitcom on TV.
    It’s called “Rules of Engagement”. 
    Have you heard of it?
    Better yet do you like it?

    Ok, so I don’t really care if you like it or not. WE like it.
    So the synopsis is: the rituals of dating, marriage and commitment, as seen through the eyes of two couples and their single friend.

    Who doesn’t find that kind of shit funny. Right?
    We really just recently started watching it, I know it’s been

    on for awhile, like mulitple seasons. But we just have so

    many other shows we already watch that we must of missed

    it previsouly.
    Basically, the husband on the show (Patrick Warburton  ) reminds me alot of the sportsman.  
    Well not the gruff voice, (though I do like a gruff voice, its kinda sexy)but his attitude sometimes.
    So the episode this week was basically about how the wife
    kept checking in(calling)the husband all the freakin time. 
     Like telling him where she is and when she will be home.
      Every freakin five minutes.
    How annoying!!!!!
    You know, theres "checking in" and then theres
    CHECKING in!
    AKA Sportsman
    So now the sportsman and I have this running joke, where
    he will call me (at work) to check in (all day long) like the wife does on this show.
    He will call and say, “ Just checkin in” ha ha.
    It really is pretty freakin funny.

    It’s a nice kind of ha ha for us to have.
    Since as of late things have been a little t e n s e,
    Ok alot tense.  We need this little funny.
    Regardless of what some might think we are headed in the
    right direction.
    At least the “D” word has not
    been metioned again in at least
     a day.
    That’s good right?!
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