Sunday, September 30, 2007


    Robert Traylor is back in the news, and for all the wrong reasons. I*Heart*Celtics super sleuth Sullivan was all over the case a couple months ago. Remember... Cousin Q? The fake dead body? The biggest dope dealer in Michigan history? The millions of dollars in laundered money? Remember probably the best quote of the year, by Traylor's own lawyer, "For those who think that all NBA players are wealthy, Robert Traylor is an example of one who is not." It was a great story. In fact, if it weren't for the late Eddie Griffin drunkenly diddling himself while smashing into a parked car, it would have been the #1 NBA crime of the year!

    Well, anyway, Traylor's been sentenced after being found guilty for tax fraud. I don't know what's more disappointing- the fact that he only got three years' probation or the fact that the sentence is being held off because he's currently playing pro basketball in Puerto Rico. How quickly the fat, stupid, lazy assholes with a cadre of criminal friends fall! He'll apparently serve three months in a halfway house, three months in house arrest, and then he'll be electronically monitored for the rest of the time. He reportedly wanted to serve the house arrest not in his home, but in his local Chuck E Cheese, but the prosecution deftly argued that the dead-broke Traylor had been banned from the franchise after he allegedly tried to pitch a tent and live in the ball pit.Source URL:
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Friday, September 28, 2007

Celtics sign Uruguayo, another Dahntay Jones

    Saddle up your stallion and get out your gaucho gear, the Celtics have signed a 10-foot Uruguayan.

    Esteban Batista, according to some, is pretty good, and played his corazon out in the FIBA championships. Apparently he put up stat lines such as 26 and 19, 34 and 15, 21 and 20, and 20 and 5 in the tourney. Not bad, although I suspect that he was getting the ball every time down the court...

    The Celtics also signed their second Dahntay Jones in ten years (they had Dontae' Jones in 1997), a swing man who they actually drafted back in 2003 but sent to the Grizz for former Celtics hotty Marcus Banks.Source URL:
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Jason Caffey Arrested for Not Paying Child Support


    In news that might make Jason Caffey very sad, he was arrested yesterday for failing to pay roughly $100,000 in child support. He "isn't supporting multiple children in several states." Never a good move.

    Of course, Caffey used the same excuse as so many of his deadbeat child-support dodging NBA forebearers have used- "I don't make as much money as I used to." I guarantee that's true! After all, Caffey did have a rather sudden end to his freeloading career. After bleeding every team he was on for far more money than he was worth, Caffey joined the Bucks. He immediately had an anxiety attack and skipped a game. Apparently, it's very stressful to be paid millions of dollars to contribute Scott Pollard-esque numbers. Then, after going public with this "condition", Caffey pledged to be more reliable and seek treatment. The treatment he sought was at a Toronto strip club, where along with Gary Payton and Sam Cassell, he allegedly assaulted a male stripper. His contract was quickly bought out, and he hasn't been back in the league since. The last you heard of him, he was getting cleared for those assault charges on the male stripper, and, you guessed it, getting arrested for not paying child support, back in February. If you were wondering what he has been up to, apparently he's been splitting time between driving his six cars around, ignoring his children, getting fatter, and getting arrested!

    Stay classy, Jason Caffey!
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Have a wonderful weekend.


Hooray, Beer!

Thursday, September 27, 2007



    A million thank-you's to Deadspin for breaking this story to us. All this time, we had no idea who this maniac was that kept sending these "threatening" messages. Turns out, it's just the psychotic brother of the sixth-grade-poetry-spewing, collar-popping, made-up-gang-sign-flashing, Bible-bashing, Coach-K-rimjobbing, professionally underachieving drunk-driving honkey pissant we hate.

    Now, brothers of famous athletes are almost always a little "off". For example, there was Stephon Marbury's crooked-shooting brother that led the potent attack of the Rhode Island Rams for a couple years. Then, there was the slightly more pear-shaped Collins twin with the slightly more pronounced horse face and overbite. Then, there's my personal favorite- the fatter, funnier, more lovable, less disciplined, more articulate yet amazingly less self-aware Artest brother. However, none of those brothers of famous players came so completely out of nowhere to commit something so clearly insane. I mean, this jerkoff was threatening JJ's ex-girlfriend, she took it to the cops, and he CALLED AND THREATENED HER WHILE SHE WAS WITH THE POLICE! I, for one, never knew JJ had a brother. Now, we'll all know him not as JJ Redick's less talented brother, but as JJ Redick's incompetent little cell phone hitman that blew the lid off of some previously unknown legal trouble for his big-shot brother. Reach for the stars, bro!Source URL:
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Stina Persson

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Isiah Speaks Out

    Interesting development in the Isiah Thomas hearings. Thomas haters were moved yesterday as the defense painted a vivid picture of Isiah's childhood for the court, stressing the wholesome values he learned as a child. His "strict and disciplinarian" mother taught respect and family values to him at an early age. Thomas' testimony was rock solid. His mother taught him never to use curse words like "bitch," "ho," and "mother f*cker," So how could have Thomas cornered Anucha Browne Sanders and said such things? In his testimony he established that his mother had even given him his first sexual-harassment awareness seminar when he was 10. She told him "This is how you treat women, and this is how you don't." Clearly the prosecution has their work cut out for them if they think that a man who was given a sexual-harassment awareness lesson when he was 10 is capable of actually sexually harassing someone. Guess what Isiah, I'm sure Sebastian Telfair's mom told him not to shoot people. Scal's mom probably told him not to eat candy he finds on the ground.

    That was not the only interesting revelation in the Thomas case. MSG President James Dolan also took the stand in an attempt to take the heat off the Knicks. He tried to portray Brown Saunders as manipulative and power-hungry. He even accused her of rigging the investigation. However, in light of Stephon Marbury's own manipulation of the Knicks to giving the intern he banged in the back of his SUV across from a strip club a promotion, Dolan's petty attempt to paint the management as the victims looked quite foolish.
    The New York Knicks front office makes the Celtics look like the frickin' Spurs. While it sounds ridiculous, it appears that Isiah isn't even the most incompetent person in that organization. Only a wholesome dose of Zach Randolph can save them now...Source URL:
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Jen Bekman's 20x200

    New York gallerist Jen Bekman is revolutionizing the art world. This month, she launched the online art shop 20x200, where she sells new prints every week in editions of 200 for ONLY $20. That is insanely inexpensive. She's opening up the art world for everyone. Awesome, Jen! (This week's photo, above, is by Karolina Karlic. Isn't it pretty?)Source URL:
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Travel Fantasy #4: Santorini, Greece

    Hmmm, I think it's a nice morning for a fantasy vacation, don't you? Let's jump on a plane to Santorini, Greece, and stay at the Ikies resort, in the Fisherman's house. Apart from its breathtaking aesthetic and location, the hotel is known for amazing service; one review read, “The staff lives for nothing more than to refill your cocktail." After hiking, swimming and lounging all day, we'll go to dinner dressed in Chris Benz's resort 2007 collection. What do you say, readers? Wanna go?
    (Hotel via The Cool Hunter)Source URL:
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Vogue Girl Korea!

    Guess what?! My blog was featured in the August issue of Vogue Girl (Korea)! I can't read much of it, but I'm so excited. (Hopefully they weren't making fun of me:) Happy Cavalier, a blog I've long admired, was also featured. Yahoo!Source URL:
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Psst, The Little Things

    Are you ever irrationally attracted to random things? For some reason, I love when Alex has messy wet hair, like when he gets out of the shower or a pool. It smells nice and feels cold when I kiss him on his head! I also love when he wears nylon windbreakers, smells like laundry detergent, kisses me on the forehead and smiles enough to show his dimples. (Oooh, cute!) What do you find yourself attracted to?
    (Top photo by Mav)Source URL:
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Monday, September 24, 2007


    That shriek of joy you just heard was our main man Nic reacting to the news that Eric Williams is going to work out for the Celtics. Sure, it doesn't guarantee that Williams will have a spot on the roster, no matter how much we want him. However, it is exciting.

    Williams is, as far as I am concerned, a Celtics legend. Don't agree with me?

    He was blind in one eye. He led a life of unspeakable crime before finding basketball fame. He was a classic "tweener" that actually worked out- he played defense and rebounded like a bloodthirsty maniac. He launched a clothing like honoring the Negro Basketball League, which never existed. The best part of Eric Williams, however, was that every three pointer he made seemed completely improbable, yet he drained about a million of them during the Celtics' amazing playoff run in 2002.

    We love Eric Williams, and let's hope that he either makes the team or the franchise lets him retire as a Celtic. Then, he joins the coaching staff, and when the team is ravaged by injuries in the Eastern Conference Finals, he rips off his suit and starts boxing people out and launching set shots like it's 1958.Source URL:
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Leaving his (major) mark: Rodman's hand + woman's behind = lawsuit

    Well it looks like Dennis Rodman's been taking Jimmy Bo Horn's timeless words of advice a bit too seriously (Click here if you would like to book Jimmy Bo Horn for your next after party).

    Trying to paraphrase the following NY Daily News article is pointless. In the ongoing misadventures of Dennis Rodman, the comedy writes itself a lot better than I ever could:

    Basketball bad boy Dennis Rodman could be in trouble yet again - this time for allegedly slapping a woman's behind.

    The retired hoops star is under investigation after the woman accused him of whacking her behind in a bar near his home in Newport Beach, Calif., gossip Web site reported yesterday.

    The Orange County sheriff's office is probing the incident, in which one source told the Web site that Rodman hit the woman so hard, he left a "major mark."

    "A police report was taken and is currently with the sex crime unit," Jim Amormino, a spokesman for the Orange County sheriff, told TMZ.

    Rodman, 46, who famously split up with pinup girl Carmen Electra after just nine days of marriage, has been involved in a series of disputes involving women in nightclubs over the years.

    A jury cleared the mercurial hoopster, who retired from the NBA in 2000, of civil claims stemming from an incident in which a woman claimed he drugged and raped her.
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Vogue India

    Guess what?! Vogue just launched Vogue India, which is slated to be more colorful and vibrant than other Vogue editions. The cover features Indian models and actresses--as well as (randomly) Australian supermodel Gemma Ward.

    I'm excited to get my hands on a copy--especially since I've found Indian style so intriguing since my sister married Paul, whose family is from India. I'm sure the magazine will be stunning--and successful, since the debut issue has a whopping 160+ ad pages!Source URL:
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Friday, September 21, 2007

Have a great outdoorsy weekend.


Thursday, September 20, 2007


    My boy Sullivan contributed one of his best pieces a couple months ago on the topic of Keon Clark's legal woes. Well... he just got sentenced, and he's going to prison.

    URBANA – Former NBA player Keon Clark was sentenced to prison today on a felony charge of driving on a suspended license.

    Clark did not show up for the sentencing hearing. Champaign County Judge Richard Klaus sentenced him in absentia to 30 months in prison and issued a warrant for his arrest.

    "Putting Mr. Clark on probation would be a complete and utter waste of resources," Klaus said. "Mr. Clark is a danger to the community, especially if he continues to drive."

    That's right, Keon Clark didn't show up to his own sentencing. His lawyer covered him, though....

    Urbana attorney James Dedman, who represents Keon Clark, did not present any evidence, but asked the judge to defer his decision on a sentence until Clark could be evaluated by a psychiatrist.

    "His record and his behavior suggests he has a serious mental problem," Dedman said. "It's possible he's unfit to stand trial or be sentenced, or that he's insane."

    Klaus declined to order a psychiatric evaluation or defer sentencing, saying it was the first time the issue of Clark's mental state had been raised and telling Dedman he could file a motion later on the matter.

    Well, if firing your agents and hiring some random friend right before you hit the free agent market, behaving erratically, habitually breaking the law, and riding a scooter when you're a 6'10" multimillionaire isn't enough to qualify you as "insane" in this country, I don't know what will. The scooter alone is enough proof for me.

    However, if you think serving three years in prison will be the end of it, you obviously haven't read the whole article.

    Clark is scheduled to be in court again next week for a pretrial hearing on a misdemeanor criminal trespass charge and a felony driving under the influence of alcohol charge. He is scheduled to be sentenced in Vermilion County on Oct. 10 on a felony drug charge, a DUI, and not having a firearm owner's identification card.

    He was to be tried this week in Vermilion County on charges of not having a firearm owner's identification card, making a false report, two charges of driving on a suspended license, and criminal damage to property. Those cases were continued to Oct. 10.

    Clark also has a pending felony charge of driving on a suspended license in July in Vermilion County.

    No wonder he's on the run! The BAD crimes he's on trial for are yet to be sentenced! He'd better soup up his scooter so it will travel 100mph and hope they don't recognize him at the border!Source URL:
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Baileys Home and Garden

I can't wait to see this.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Celtics to Sign Uraguayan Center Batista?

    An article on Uraguayan Radio Station Espectador's website says that Esteban Batista, a Center who played unproductively for the Hawks last year, "is very close to playing another season in the NBA. His new team could be the Boston Celtics." They give no justification or reason for reporting this. No mention of an invite from Danny Ainge, no mention of an agent or any other discussions from the team. Just that he might play for them.

    When Danny Ainge learned of this news, he had the same reaction as Batista did in his picture above.

    Here's what Espectador is sayin':

    Esteban Batista, de buena labor en el Preolímpico de Las Vegas, está muy cerca de repetir una nueva temporada en la NBA. Su nuevo equipo podría ser Boston Celtics, que hace poco fichó a uno de los mejores jugadores de la liga, Kevin Garnett.

    Esteban Batista tendría grandes chances de ser nuevo jugador de Boston Celtics, equipo que en la temporada 2006-2007 tuvo una marca de 24 partidos ganados y 58 perdidos, siendo el segundo peor equipo de la NBA detrás de Mephis Grizzlies (22-60).

    Uruguay is known for a bunch of different things. Gauchos, mate, winning and hosting the first world cup, and according to Wikipedia, being "the second least corrupt country in Latin America behind Chile." Not bad, although sadly I can't say basketball would be high on the list. Nevertheless, if all those Argentines are so damn good, why can't neighbors to the north Uraguayans be good too? I guess we'll see - although this scoop seems a bit suspect.


    The Globe is catching on to this story, too. Granted, they are just saying that Batista's AGENT says that the Celtics are interested, and Vin Baker passes field sobriety tests about as often as agents tell the truth. Since the Celtics have been a hot name in the offseason, it's probably just a move by the agent to drum up some interest in his client. It's working- I had never heard of this dude before and now I am googling him like crazy.
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I miss Paris.

    Ahh, I miss Paris. I had an epically stressful day yesterday and would love to hop on a flight and spend the week walking through the Luxembourg Gardens and through the Rodin, Louvre and Picasso museums.
    (Photos by Patrick Smith)Source URL:
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Pretty necklace

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Isiah Thomas: Wordsmith!

    I have been late to the party lately, so my apologies, but I simply have keep tabs on this OUTSTANDING trial that turbodickhead Isiah Thomas is subjecting himself to. One has to wonder, if this bitch was such a ho, as Thomas claims, why didn't he just pay her off!? After all, as we learned today, Thomas reminded her:

    "Don't forget, you f——— bitch, I'm the president of this f——— team."

    Classy as always.

    Marc Berman, who I have to admit I had never heard of before this article, sort of gets to the point in today's New York Post. He says:

    It does not matter at this point who wins or loses the Anucha vs. Isiah/Garden sexual harassment case... the Knicks already lost. Big time. James Dolan already lost...How could Dolan - so paranoid about media coverage about his Knick franchise to the tinest detail - allow all this tawdry behind-the-scenes laundry to air on the front pages of The Post and Daily News.

    Well, that's easy Marc Berman, you can answer your own question. Dolan let it happen because Isiah Thomas wanted to go to court and Dolan is scared to stand up to Isiah, and Isiah Thomas wanted to go to court because he's a moron who can barely speak in complete sentences, let alone run a multi-million dollar business. To compound Isiah's problem, he's a complete prick that can't get along with anyone, he's a sleaze, and his idiocy is matched only by his arrogance. Sexual harassment trials are ALL ABOUT CHARACTER. You need plenty of character witnesses to back you up. Everyone thinks Isiah is a douche. Isiah's biggest apologist, Stephon Marbury, used his time on the stand to brag about calling women bitches and having sex with an intern! However, the news keeps on topping itself. Listen to this:

    Jurors heard the Knicks coach say he wouldn't stand for a white man calling a black woman a "bitch" - but wouldn't be as angry if the same words came from the mouth of a black man.

    In a videotaped deposition played for the jury at fired Knicks exec Anucha Browne Sanders' sexual harassment trial, Thomas said he drew a distinction between whites and blacks when it came to the B-word.

    Asked if he was bothered by a black man calling a black female "bitch," Thomas said: "Not as much. I'm sorry to say, I do make a distinction.

    "A white male calling a black female a bitch is highly offensive," Thomas said. "That would have violated my code of conduct."

    "Maybe I shouldn't go there. ... A white male calling a black female, that is wrong with me. I'm not taking that. I'm not accepting that. ... That's a problem for me."

    Fair enough, we've known since the infamous Larry Bird incident that Isiah is bitter towards the honkies of the world. Bitch, Isiah Thomas has a problem with f------ white people. He's made that clear. Why he went through the trouble to draw distinctions between white people and black people when it comes to what the media now calls "the B word" (good gravy)... I don't know. I don't understand the context, granted, and it probably makes sense in Thomas' warped little pea brain. However, this is the stuff that kills me-

    "Please don't mischaracterize the videotape shown in court today," he pleaded, insisting, "I don't think it's right for any man to call a woman a 'bitch.'"

    None of this shit makes any sense- but the most confusing thing of all is this bizarre news that Isiah Thomas HAS a "code of conduct" that can possibly be violated! Bitch, please! We are treated to witness after witness taking the stand and methodically detailing what an insecure, unprepared, oversensitive, inarticulate, spastic asshole you have been. In response, you're trying to prove that you have a highly sophisticated code of conduct that consists of one thing- white men should call black women bitches, but black men calling black women bitches is a little murky.

    Stellar defense!

    I just want everyone to know that I wake up every morning and thank the basketball gods that Isiah Thomas is on trial for sexual harassment. The Celtics might not be nearly as funny now that they're actually good, but we will ALWAYS have Isiah Thomas to mock, and the fact that there is NO WAY Isiah Thomas looks good coming out of this trial makes me personally about as happy as when Rick Pitino left. It is a great time to be a Celtics fan, but it may be an even better time to be a Knick hater. Life is good, homies and homegirls!Source URL:
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The weather feels like fall today.

    On Sunday, Alex and I rented a convertible mini (teeny!) and went to the beach to celebrate the last day of summer. It was really cool and windy, and we rode bikes and ate pizza. The only sad part was that I got sunscreen in my eye for three hours and felt like a five year old. But overall, it was a great day. Welcome to fall, everybody!
    (Photo by Corey Arnold)Source URL:
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Great pillows

Monday, September 17, 2007

Minnesota changes team name to "Former Celtics", then hires Ed Pickney

    The Minnesota Timberwolves signed Ed Pinckney as an assistant coach today, continuing a disturbing trend of cashing in on the Celtic's sloppy seconds. Consequently, Minnesota now has way more players that have ever played game time for the Celtics than the Celtics do themselves.

    Among the former green converted to carnivorous wood dwellers are the recently departed Al Jefferson, Ryan Gomes, Gerald Green, Theo Ratliff, Sebastian Telfair, alondside the Retarded Giraffe Blount, and Ricky Davis. The coaching/administration features Kevin McHale, Jerry Sichting, and now Ed Pinckney. Not to mention Celtics' 2006 draft pick Randy Foye and BC grad Craig Smith hold down the Boston connection as well.

    The only current Celtics who have ever suited up in a Boston uniform are Paul Pierce, Rajon Rondo, Tony Allen, Kendrick Perkins, Leon Powe, and Brian Scalabrine. As for coaching staff and upper management, all we've got for former C's is Danny Ainge. The next closest thing to a former Celtic on our bench is strength trainer Bryan Doo, a member of the storied early 90s Messiah College ultimate frisbee team.

    Kevin McHale, never considered a top GM, has some rediculous tunnel vision. Somehow acquiring an entire roster of the Celtics dark years teams strikes me as unimaginative and unwise, but that's just me.Source URL:
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Sartorial Crushes

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Big 4?!?


    With a swagger normally reserved for when he arrives at a strip club, Tony Allen boldly proclaimed that he won't be intimidated by anyone- not the three All-Stars on the team or a random jerkoff in a Chicago nightclub.

    "If you put the ball in my hands when I'm healthy, hey, it won't be The Big Three, it might be The Big Four. Right know I'm hungry. That's the mentality I got."

    Good sign. After all, a "hungry" mentality allowed Brian Scalabrine to break his personal cheddarwurst eating record this summer (15 cheddarwurst in 12 seconds, BTW). It also allowed Big Baby Davis to use Eggo waffles instead of bread for his daily 10:15 steak and cheese. When Celtics have a "hungry" mentality, great things happen.

    Allen averaged 18.8 points in the last 14 games (Dec. 13-Jan. 10) of the 33 he played last season. The 6-foot-4-inch, 213-pounder scored at least 20 seven times in that hot span, including a career-high 30 against Denver Dec. 15.

    "I watch those tapes every day," Allen said. "I edited them myself."

    Badass. Of course, then there was the injury, which, as we all know, occurred after the whistle had blown and TA was cruising in for a meaningless dunk. It was the saddest moment of the season, by far, and it quickly separated the dumbass Celtics fans from the reasonable ones. Basically, if you were angrier at Tony Allen for getting hurt on a fluke play than you were at him when he fractured some random's face in a barfight- you suck at life and I sincerely hope you intern for the Knicks and Steph has his way with you in the back of a van.

    Anyway, here's the real health update with actually useful information! Yep, you guessed it, Shira didn't write this one.

    Allen says his knee is "70 percent" and he couldn't play if there were a game today. He participated in five-on-five scrimmages for four straight days last week, but he hasn't regained his explosiveness, nor is he ready to catch alley-oops.

    "I feel like everything is there except my explosiveness right now," said Allen. "I can jump. I can rebound. I can pass. I can cut. It's like my explosive cutting to the basket and on curls - I need to work on that."

    Snooch to the nooch! Looks like the backup point guard spot is taken, and thank God it's not by the dude most famous for being married to Mike Bibby's sister.Source URL:
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    The Globe had a small blurb on BIRDMAN today. It's small enough for me to quote the whole thing, in fact.

    Teams looking for a veteran midseason pickup at an attractive price could do a lot worse than former Nuggets/Hornets forward Chris Anderson, a.k.a. The Birdman. That's when Anderson's two-year suspension for violating the league's drug policy expires. Anderson has been working out in Las Vegas getting ready to resume his career, and it's anticipated that the Hornets, who last held his rights, will not reinstate his contract (3 1/2 years left on a four-year, $14 million deal), which will make Anderson a free agent. "He's exceeded expectations in every area," reports Anderson's agent, Steve Heumann. "We're moving forward to the first applicable moment to apply for reinstatement." Anderson turned 29 in July and has several years of NBA experience under his belt. He would be the first player to come back from a drug suspension and actually play in the NBA.

    Now, you might be wondering what team looking to add veteran stability midseason would sign a 29-year-old cokehead named Birdman whose main claim to fame was botching the slam dunk contest so badly they installed a time limit. However, he's averaged 5 points and 3 rebounds for his career... which is about what Scott Pollard can give on any given night. The main difference is while Pollard simply tells the children to do drugs, Birdman listens. But who knows, the Celtics once signed a wino to a max contract and then paid for him to take three years off... so stranger things have happened...Source URL:
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Friday, September 14, 2007


    This post was originally published on September 14th, 2007. I now have one nice spoon.

    Now and again, a trend will take the design blogging world by storm. First, there was clocky; then there was the Eames rocker. This fall, my friends, there are spoons. (Apparently the book above was the inspiration. Here are the resulting awesome photos from Kelly, Lena and Heather.)
    Sadly, I have no nice spoons (not one!) so I cannot take part.Source URL:
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Eddie Johnson Tells All About Trash Talkin

    Eddie Johnson has a pretty funny column on He relays a few anecdotes from his trash-talking days, featuring notable Celtics Xavier McDaniel and Larry Bird (who's hotel key antics are truly badass if not crazy). Pictured above (right before he called the kid a honkey and then kicked his ass), this is what he says:

    During my era everything was fair game including momma jokes. I tell you what, if players were as sensitive in my era as they are now, it would have been a fight every quarter. We had running dialogue all the time during the course of a game. I would have two or three trash talking conversations going on with different players all the time. The difference for us was that we did not take it personally and we used it as motivation to play even harder. Here is an example of players that I would have confrontations with every time I played them…

    Xavier McDaniel and I hated each other on the court. I would be shooting and calling him a bald headed so and so at the same time he would come back and try and crack me with an elbow and then proceed to try and tear the rim down. It was vicious, but not one time did we have a fight and believe it or not we shared a drink and laughed about it during an NBA cruise during the offseason.

    Larry Bird called me every name in the book when we played and I tried to reciprocate as much as I could and maintain some energy to guard him. The first time I guarded him in my career at Boston Garden he looked at me and said I am going to kick your @#$% and even during a game later in the season I popped him in the mouth with an elbow and laughed because they called a foul on him as well. He never lost his concentration and only waited till after the game to come in the locker room and drop his room key on my lap and said, “Let’s finish this at my hotel.” I reminded him of that years later and he laughed.

    Lonnie Shelton was probably the quickest 6-8, 260 player I have ever seen and I hated him to guard me. He would throw me all around the court, but one night I got tired of it and I started talking about everyone in his generation to take his attention off the game. Nothing seemed to bother him till I came by the Cavalier bench and called him a fat @#$% in front of his teammates and they started laughing and he stared at me no matter where I was on the court till it really started to bother me. When he got in the game, he had nothing on his mind other than hurting me. I finally went up to him during a free throw and apologized and he said, “Cool, let’s play.” True story.

    Tom Chambers and Frank Brickowski, I will mention them together because I use to get under their skin big time when they played for the Sonics. I would talk so much smack that both of them would take turns trying to pop me, but I was not stupid. I always took care of the wide bodies on my team and LaSalle Thompson and Mark Olberding would always be there to protect me. What’s so funny about those two is that in later years we would become teammates (Chambers-Suns and Brickowski-Hornets) and I consider both very good friends. They understood the method to my madness when we played together and they looked out for me as well.
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"You look good in those pants"

Have a fun weekend.

Fashion Love.

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