Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Coffee bar

    This is the office I go to every morning where I write, read the paper, do the su doku and crossword.


    Strobing through naked branches, orange filtered sunlight
    shadow-flickers on grimy windows, sparks on the curves
    of cars creeping across the waking city.
    Double-decker faces peer from steamed-up buses
    that diesel-rumble along slippy shiny roads.
    iPodded pedestrians, briefcased
    and laptopped plod towards their towers
    of concrete, steel and glass where money
    gently hums to a pinstriped rhythm.
    Beneath café awnings aluminium
    chairs are being unstacked,
    sandwich boards unfolded.
    Inside, the jarring sound of coffee
    being ground, the hiss and whistle
    of an espresso machine.
    The first customers ordering
    lattes and cappuccinos –
    takeaways in cardboard cups.
    People carrying things –
    window cleaners with squeegees,
    postmen with heavy sacks,
    groceries from the metro-store,
    designer shopping bags,
    bottles of designer water,
    umbrellas, and a guitar case.
    Biffa bins being lifted,
    emptied into sturdy trucks –
    the heave and slide of life’s
    detritus consigned
    to the landfill
    of history.Source URL:
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