Friday, December 24, 2010

Asia’s first “hip hop a capella” girl group to debut in January

    A new girl group specializing in the “hip hop a capella’ genre will be making their debut this coming January.

    Named ‘Coin Jackson‘, member Jihoo will first be introduced to the public on December 24th by performing the national anthem at a professional basketball game in the Seoul Student Athletics Stadium.

    Jihoo was acknowledged by December for her ‘7 level high notes’, and was recently nicknamed the ‘tall Jang Nara‘ for her cute looks. She also has plenty of experience sweeping awards at teen music festivals as well.

    Coin Jackson will be guesting at December’s upcoming concert on the 29th, and will be making their debut as Asia’s first hip hop a capella group in January.

    Source + Photos: TV Daily via NateSource URL:
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