Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Great Bookcase Experiment

    This past fall, my friend Eric arranged his books in order of color. At first it seemed a little OCD, but his bookcase actually looked really good and aesthetically pleasing. (It's also an interesting approach to treat the whole bookcase as an object.) And now suddenly everyone seems to be doing it (including the people in this amazing flickr set).

    So I decided to give it a try. I put them in correct rainbow order...and then got that insanely annoying kids' song stuck in my head about how to sing a rainbow.

    Anyway, my bookcase looks so much better now! Maybe OCD isn't so bad after all.

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Brighten Up

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

We Belong Together

    Visiting Lucy and Paul in New Haven is like being a little kid. They cook yummy things, bring you blankets, and tell you to "be good" when they leave the house. Before bed, Paul gives you a glass of water, and Lucy wakes you up in the morning by singing. I am secretly so sad that they are moving.Source URL:
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Monday, February 26, 2007

Chairs: All Grown Up

    For the past four years, I've had this blah office chair in my bedroom. Sometimes I'd forget about it, but sometimes it would catch my eye and make me cringe. This weekend I decided I'd had enough. I looked on craigslist and, lo and behold, a guy in the Upper East Side was selling vintage Eames chairs! I bit the bullet and bought one. It's an Eames DCM molded dining chair with a store label dating it to the 1950's production. I am so excited about it!

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Saturday, February 24, 2007


    A couple weeks ago, my portrait was taken in Williamsburg for bene's editor's letter page. It was fun and got me thinking. Taking a portrait seems like a pretty simple assignment -- but there's so much you can do and such a wide range of styles.

    A good portrait will capture the subject intimately and authentically; on top of that, it's amazing when the photographic style also helps communicate who the subject is. The New York Times Magazine's recent set of actors' portraits did just this.

    Gael Garcia Bernal by Gueorgui Pinkhassov is above. The colors and textures are amazingly vivid. You can almost feel the fabric of the sofa and jacket.

    Penelope Cruz by Andres Serrano is below. I love how you can see the pores and bumps on her face. Usually celebrity photos are so retouched they seem plastic, but here, she looks authentic, like she did in Volver.

    And here is Cate Blanchett. A different style but very beautiful. The light, almost transluscent colors are gorgeous and communicate so well how pale and delicate she is.

    Aside from the New York Times shots, New-York based photographer Tina Tyrell has a fresh and striking avant garde style. I love how her subjects are styled casually in kitchens.

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Clock It To Me

    So for the past couple years, I've had a hard time sleeping. It's like my thing. Sometimes I sleep well -- especially if someone is beside me -- but when alone, I often have trouble falling asleep or wake up really early.

    My dad tells me to imagine that I'm so heavy that I'm going to fall through the mattress; he says that helps people relax. It works pretty well. Counting sheep is also surprisingly helpful, although weirdly I never know where the sheep are supposed to go once they've jumped over the fence. I sometimes make them circle back, so it's just one or two sheep running around the whole time, while I count laps.

    And I've also heard that if a clock is right by your bed, seeing the time (and thus being aware of the time) can keep you wired. But the totally cute Clocky might inspire relaxation. He has a funny little face, and, if you don't turn off the alarm right away, he runs away and looks for a place to hide in your room. Oh, Clocky... Might be a more soothing option than the businessman travel alarm clock I have right now.

    Ok, good night!

    (Sheep photo by Fib; Clocky via Gina)Source URL:
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Affordable Art #7: Coffeetable Books

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Happy Birthday, Mr. Bean

    It's Bean's birthday today. We love Bean. He is intelligent, argumentative (in a good way), an amazing listener and very very funny; he doesn't mind walking places, knows lots of trivia, likes graphic novels and is generally great company and a fabulous friend. Happy birthday, Bean! May we continue to be friends for our next 28 years.Source URL:
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Here, little kitty

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Mmmmm...oh wait. Argggg....

Affordable Art #6: Illustrators

Monday, February 19, 2007

Affordable Art #5: Emerging Painters

    Same goes for painters. (See the previous post.) For example, Sophy Naess is an awesome young New York-based painter with a great sense of humor. Some of her paintings of friends and celebrities invoke a young Elizabeth Peyton. Her work would be a great investment and also just so nice to hang around the house.Source URL:
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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Emerging Photographers

    Some art is worthwhile because it's beautiful. And some art is worthwhile because it's strange. This photography, by Matthew Porter, is both beautiful and strange.

    At first, the photograph seems to show a car speeding over a hill. But then you realize how high the car is: How would it ever get that height? And when it landed, would it just burst into flames?!

    I got in touch with Porter last fall, and he explained that he took the landscape shot in Maine, where his parents live. He then hung a small model car (!) from a string in his studio, got the lighting just right and photographed it. Finally he put it together as a photo montage. The photograph now hangs in my living room, and I am enamoured.Source URL:
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Friday, February 16, 2007

Affordable Art #3: The Library

    Remember my affordable art series in January? Well, it's back! Here's a little affordable art secret: The New York Public Library has a huge online gallery of historical maps, vintage posters and rare prints, for very reasonable prices. For example, this moccasin print ranges from $30 to $125, depending on size. It takes quite a bit of searching (there's lots of old, boring stuff) but there are good things to be found. Now you know!Source URL:
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Ah, well. Here it is.

Love Tote

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Racy Valentines

Bless You, Valentine

Monday, February 12, 2007

Cat Party

    Lauren and I had a cat party yesterday evening. Leo charmed the crowd, while Sophie hid under Lauren's bed for four hours. (As a sidenote, we had the MOST delicious brownies -- Chocolate Lover's by Duncan Hines. Who knew??)

    Lauren, Scott, Josh and Jay

    Andrea and JaySource URL:
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Romeo and Juliet

    The Zefferelli film Romeo & Juliet is amazing. Olivia Hussey is the most beautiful woman in the world. When I was little, I watched it literally forty times and knew all the lines by heart.

    So you can imagine my thrill this weekend when I discovered this Polish poster. It gives me that same lovely, exquisitely sad feeling that I had when I was younger, and I can't wait to have it up in my apartment to break hearts and inspire.

    (via Lux Lotus)Source URL:
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Sunday, February 11, 2007


Lace Tape

Saturday, February 10, 2007

For Like Ever

    When I first saw this pink poster on the September cover of Domino, I didn't love it. It seemed over the top. But over the last couple months, it has grown on me. Now I find it sort of sweet and amusing. Will I like it for, like, ever? Maybe not, but I like it for, like, right now.

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Friday, February 9, 2007

Kittens are the New Valentines

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Sit with me

Happy Birthday, Mama!

    It's my mom's birthday today! She is beautiful and smart and kind and wonderful. We're going to Paris in September. (It's always been our dream to go there together and now we're finally doing it.) Our plan is to walk all around the city, look at art, eat cheese and baguettes, people watch, drink wine, and take day trips to chateaus and the Champagne region. She's going to show me where she shopped for our baby clothes and where she and my dad went on dates when they lived there. Seven months and counting...I love you, Mama! Happy Birthday!!

    (Card by Jezebel; photo by Exponent Inspira)Source URL:
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Wednesday, February 7, 2007

An Umbrella Built for Two

Etsy, You've Done It Again

    As a little aside from the Valentine's day posts, I'd like to reaffirm my love for etsy. I lost my glasses case, so instead of buying a boring replacement, I went onto etsy and found these. I bought both, since they were only $12.50 each and I am made of money.

    (Top by herbst); bottom by absoluut)Source URL:
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Monday, February 5, 2007

Valentines Gifts: Girls

    Yesterday, my brother's best friend Sarah Wilson made us a Southern brunch, complete with eggs, sausage and cheesy grits. Mmmm.... After stuffing ourselves silly, we got on the subject of gifts, and the boys were saying how hard it can be to think of them. I was surprised -- girls love everything! Here are some ideas if you're stuck....

    Sexy but sweet ruffled underwear.

    The hilarious Optic Nerve comics.

    A cheese-of-the-month club.

    A pretty ring.

    A robe that's cozy and flattering.

    A romantic adventure at a design B&B in the Catskills.

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