Tuesday, October 2, 2007


    It's a great day to hate the Knicks! In a decision that we all knew was coming after a circus-like trial, Isiah was busted for all kinds of inappropriate shenanigans. His response, predictably, was denial.

    "I'm innocent, very innocent, and I did not do the things she has accused me in this courtroom of doing," Thomas said afterward. "I'm extremely disappointed that the jury did not see the facts in this case. I will appeal this, and I remain confident in the man that I am and what I stand for and the family that I have."
    "Very innocent", indeed! Now, the case will be in David Stern's feeble grasp for league punishment. I'm just glad that Isiah has finally been humiliated after leading a path of destruction and incompetence through a number of organizations. Even the fact that David Stern will give Isiah a slap on the wrist for terrorizing a woman and yet hammer players for leaving the bench for two seconds can't take away my joy.

    Source URL: https://ledger-heath.blogspot.com/2007/10/guilty-isiah-ruled-liable-msg-held.html
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