Tuesday, October 16, 2007



    Yes, former Phoenix Suns star Kevin Johnson is in some kind of trouble- it's hard to tell what kind at this point- but he has been dumping dead goat remains in his sewage-spewing lots he owns all over Sacramento. He owns tons of properties under a variety of companies, all of which appear to be sketchy as Ruben Patterson at a middle-school dance. The Sacramento Bee is on the case, and we got the link via Deadspin.

    Johnson's for-profit company, Kynship Development, also owns two rental homes nearby. One has had sewage bubbling up in the backyard and waste backing up in the washing machine, while the other is infested with mice, according to tenants and a city report.

    Within a two-mile radius, a Bee investigation found, half of the 37 parcels owned by Johnson or companies and organizations he founded have been cited by the city in the past decade, some multiple times. The 73 violations at those Oak Park properties resulted in 42 fines or fees totaling at least $32,080.

    Yikes. Of course, this is a clear cut case of why you should always pay attention to BP Rule #546: "Never give anybody who spells their own company's name wrong any kind of responsibility, because chances are they will buy abandoned lots and dump dead goats on it."

    Kynship Development?!? No wonder it's a spectacular failure- its CEO can't even spell. They also mention in the article that one of his charities is in the red $900,000 and has more than $6 million in debt... and they don't have a single person on staff that has ANY experience doing anything related to the charity. Pretty good planning!

    The sad part of the story is that poor neighborhoods are being made worse by Johnson's neglect. The good part is that the OPUS is on his ass. What's the OPUS, you ask?

    Members of a group called "Oak Park United against Slumlords" -- OPUS -- have appeared before the Sacramento City Council and other government bodies, pleading for someone to force Johnson to develop or at least clean up the properties.

    This marks an NBA crime milestone- the first time an NBA All-Star has been publicly identified as a slumlord! Ron Artest might starve his dogs, Qyntel Woods might fight them, Scottie Pippen might scam the government for farm subsidy money, Zach Randolph might punch strippers, Jason Kidd might punch his wife... but there's only ONE NBA slum lord, and that slum lord is Kevin Johnson.

    We sarcastically tip our cap to you, Kevin Johnson, you douchebag!!Source URL: https://ledger-heath.blogspot.com/2007/10/in-summer-of-nba-criminal-activity.html
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