Friday, December 19, 2008

Jason Caffey Update

    The latest installment in the Jason Caffey saga has- wait for it- landed him in court! The dude that drives a $350,000 car while not paying child support on his estimated 10 kids with 8 different women recently filed for Chapter 11. Now he's going to court, accused of forging signatures on documents to sell off property - wait for it - to satisfy a negotiated child support settlement! Why he would need to forge these signatures... I don't know... but this is also a guy that once allegedly assaulted a male exotic dancer in Toronto with Sam Cassell and Gary Payton. If you hate yourself, you can watch all the videos put out by the allegedly assaulted parties on Youtube. Let's just say that there were no winners, definitely no winners, in that debacle. Anyway, onto the latest Caffey news:

    Former pro basketball player Jason Caffey has been hit with a lawsuit accusing him of using forged signatures on legal documents to transfer property.

    The lawsuit, filed in Mobile County Circuit Court, also names the woman to whom rental properties were transferred, as well as the notary public who witnessed the transaction and the title company that handled the refinancing of the properties.

    Caffey put up the properties as part of a negotiated settlement in a child-support case.

    The plaintiff, Nicole Carter, is one of at least eight women with whom Caffey has had children, according to court records.

    He battled with many of them in court over unpaid child support and filed for bankruptcy protection last year to avoid jail on a contempt charge in Tuscaloosa for failure to pay child support.

    U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Margaret A. Mahoney dis missed the bankruptcy in October after concluding Caffey could not present a confirmable Chapter 11 plan. That freed the women to seek sanctions against him in state courts.

    When describing Caffey's children, you must start with an "at least" or an "estimated." His ongoing battle to keep his #1 deadbeat NBA dad douchebag has been truly inspired... he is basically a lock to be the first man to appear in the IHeartCeltics "Top NBA Crimes of the Year" three times in a row for basically the same crime. I'm not going to say that he's DEFINITELY going to make that list, but forging documents to sign over properties to pay off a child support settlement for an estimated 10 kids with 8 different women in several different states..... that gets quite a few points for creativity. We here at IHeartCeltics wish him the worst of luck in his upcoming trials.Source URL:
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