Saturday, March 8, 2008


    Sorry kiddies, that bear ain't napping. While the Celtics have had their share of blow-outs recently, the Grizzlies barely lasted 5 minutes before they were blown. There's not much to say about this one. It was over before it started and the Grizzlies are a poor excuse for a bad basketball team. Rudy Gay has improved a lot this year, but since he's a robot incapable of showing human emotion, he seems destined to become the next Shariff-Abdul-Rahim. Mike Miller's hair is uglier than Scal's lack-there-of. Whether he's wearing a clown-wig, or a Grizzlies jersey, Darko will is just pure human embarrassment. Then there is Grizzlies' GM Chris (ugggh) Wallace. Greg Dickerson interviewed him in the second half. Wallace's appearance resembles what I would imagine a WIlly Wonka, Harry Caray love child would look like. He looks like a moron, he talks like a moron, and he sure as hell does his job like a moron. It was nauseating to hear Dickerson suck up to the former Celtics GM, admiring his boldness in the Gasol trade and dancing around the blatant stupidity of it.

    MVP: Really makes no difference, but Posey had a great night off the bench with 15 points.

    LVP: Mike Gorman for actually having the nerve to say on air, that based on his time with the Celtics, it was clear that Wallace had a great basketball IQ. He might as well have taken a dump on the Garden parkay.

    Worst Suit: Surprise, Chris Wallace. As eluded to before, he clearly found it buried in the back of Gene Wilder's closet.Source URL:
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