Friday, March 14, 2008


    The NBA's resident cheap shot artist has struck again. Watch him kick Chris Paul in the ribs twice with his hands up in the air. Master Bruce has made his career on being the only guy willing to knee people in the junk, kick people in the back, deliberately break people's ankles, undercut people while they're fully extended, and, of course, kick people in the face.

    Bruce Bowen is a menace that needs to be suspended whenever he tries to pull these kinds of shenanigans. While the NBA goes friggin' bananas if somebody leaves the bench or throws a punch, they don't do a thing as Bruce Bowen methodically carries out his diabolical plan to injure his opponents. Master Bruce has no concept of fair play, good sportsmanship, and common decency. There are crimes of passion (fighting, everyone does it) and then there are crimes of a cold-blooded sociopath (Bruce Bowening, only Bruce Bowen does it).

    Based on his behavior on the court, we can only assume that Bowen's off-court behavior includes: giving only backhanded compliments, saying sarcastic things to small children, not tipping, parking in handicap spots, talking really loud on his cellphone in the library, having bad breath and being a close talker, driving slow in the fast lane, paying for everything in pennies and nickels, blasting the heat while leaving his windows open, not stopping for pedestrians in the crosswalk, peeing all over the toilet seat, discussing religion and politics at work, eating veal, moonlighting as a phone solicitor that calls during dinner and pronounces your name wrong, not covering his mouth when he coughs or sneezes, calling the cops whenever he sees a teenager unchaperoned, farting at the dinner table, and driving an Isuzu Amigo.Source URL:
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