Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Zack Randolph + 100 friends + Greek Restaurant = Riot

    It ain't the pathagorean theorum, so it ain't hard to figure out. When Zack Randolph holds a party for 100 friends ON THE ROAD, you know its a recipe for disaster. That's why I can't really feel bad for the folks over at Greek Cusina, a Portland, OR, restaurant that hosted said party for Mr. Misdemeanor (more like felony, but it doesn't sound as good), Zack Randolph.

    According to the Portland Tribune, the bouncer at the restaurant told authorities "this was a party put on by Randolph, and at one point Randolph was involved in an argument on the second floor of the Greek Cusina. A large fight involving 50-plus people broke out on the second floor.”

    When cops arrived, there was a "highly agitated" throng of 100 people outside screaming at each other and fighting.

    Strangely enough, the ever-paranoid Knicks publicity machine claims that Randolph was not at the party, but eating at the restaurant on the floor below the party. Pardon me for making assumptions, but the likelihood of Zack Randolph calmly enjoying a Greek dinner while a violent rager thrashed the upstairs party room in his former hometown seems about as likely as Steven Seagal learning the blues guitar from Howlin' Wolf (died, 1976) as he recently claimed in an interview. In other words, not likely at all.

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