Monday, March 16, 2009

The Buffalo Wild Wings Commercial Makes Me Puke Blood

    If you have watched any college basketball in the last two weeks, you know the commercial I am talking about. You know, the one where two teams, "New York" and "Boston" are playing in some kind of XFL-type alternate professional league while the fans of each team are hugging each other. These dudes are having such a friggin' BLAST that they ask- nay- they DEMAND- that the game be sent into overtime. So, the bartender presses his handy dandy New York/Boston button, a random disheveled fatass gets the signal courtside, and uses his laser blaster camera to vaporize the eyeballs of the guy going in for the game-winning layup. And, of course, the alleged fans of this player and this team cheer in ecstacy because they can eat more wings and dole out more hugs for the fans of the other team. You then, presumably, go out and buy some Wild Wings. Awesome.

    This commercial has amazingly become more annoying that the karaoke circle jerk commercial featuring Kobe, Michael Phelps, ARod, and Tony Hawk. As much as I hate that commercial, and do I ever- I have learned to respect it. It is so aggressively obnoxious that I have come to believe that there is some sadistic genius behind it all. I can't think of any way it could be more annoying. It's a work of art. I now also believe that it is a clever way to demonstrate that our sports heroes are really just tools that we should all hate. Say what you will about it, at least it's an ethos.

    I do not get that same impression with this Buffalo Wild Wings commercial. I get the impression that the sadistic moron behind this commercial trying to call us all idiots and sell us wings. The first time I saw this commercial, I launched into my typical rant about how much I hate commercials that have the horrible fake jerseys when they don't want to pay for the team rights. For instance, that Shaq Icy Hot commercial- I would post a video but the only ones I can find on Youtube are of people putting icy hot on their testicles. So, proceed at your own discretion. Anyway, you know what I am talking about with the fake jerseys. They look terrible, they don't fool anyone, and the company looks cheap.

    In this Buffalo Wild Wings commercial, we are treated to "New York" and "Boston"- RIVALRY GAME!!! Only, the players are outfitted with $5 blank jerseys from Eastbay with random colors. One of the teams is maroon. What the crap. I mean, at least put a stupid logo on there. Do the Hollywood thing and call on team "STATE" and the other "TECH"- you are marketing to sports fans, and you are advertising during March Madness! At best, this target audience finds these teams confusing. At worst, they find them as offensive as I do. Would Revlon do a commercial where the models have vicious acne? Would a car commercial show the car driving on the wrong side of the road with a huge bloody dent in the front of it?

    Correct me if I am wrong, but has there ever been a fan who has ever preferred that his team go into overtime when they have the opportunity to win? Has there ever been a fan who thought, "I wish this game would NEVER end!"???? Do these clowns have infinite time? When the Celtics do a West Coast trip, I light candles all over my house and pray to the basketball gods that the Celtics will get out to a 45-5 first quarter lead so I can go to bed. But these guys are wearing team jerseys to a Buffalo Wild Wings and cheering with glee when "Simmons," the supposed star of the "Boston" team is practically murdered while going in for a game-winning layup at the buzzer. Who are these maniacs that demand this spectacle? I'll tell you- the same guys that eat dinner in a spacious restaurant- wearing opposing jerseys- arm in arm. I have to say that I haven't seen that, either.

    Buffalo Wild Wings- shame on you. Shame! I had never heard of you before this commercial, but now the only thing keeping me from taking my patronage to Hooters instead is the fact that Dickie V does their commercials. That, and there is also the bad memory of being chased down by a Hooters waitress while in high school and loudly being accused of skipping out on the bill in front of an FNX contest giveaway. I was innocent, but good gravy was it was awkward. So, Hooters is out too, and I have nowhere to turn. You two deserve each other, much like the festooned troglodytes embracing each other in that awful commercial. A pox on you both.Source URL:
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