Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Trevor Ariza is a Dick


    I once heard a young Trevor Ariza compared to Bruce Bowen because of their common "defensive intensity." That's a code word for "cheap shot artistry, grabbing, holding and softly humping." Like Bowen, Ariza is perfect for a good team like the Lakers- he can just stand at the three point line and wait for Gasol or Kobe to kick it out to him. He can foul the crap out of the opposing team's best wing player and get a lot of praise.

    Well, you thought that since Bruce Bowen looks more decrepit every day that you wouldn't have to deal with his well-documented shenanigans much longer, but there's a new douchebag in town and his name is- inexplicably- Trevor. Watch with horror as he tries to go over Rudy Fernandez's back to "block" a lefthanded layup with his wildly swinging right hand- from behind- coincidentally when the Lakers are down by almost 30 points and Trevor is having a terrible game.

    Clearly, this was a takeout. Ariza didn't bother to jump, he had an impossible angle that even the clumsiest rec leager would never attempt, he loses sight of the ball, he cocks his hand back like that nancypants ARod running to first base, and he doesn't even try to catch Fernandez as he goes flying. There was no way in hell he was going to block that shot. Then, of course, he "jaws" with the justifiably pissed Trail Blazers.

    Congratulations, Trevor, you're well on your way to being the most despised player in the league. Somewhere, Bruce Bowen is sitting in an oversized leather chair, stroking a siamese cat while holding a brandy snifter, leaning his head back and laughing maniacally.Source URL: http://ledger-heath.blogspot.com/2009/03/trevor-ariza-is-dick.html
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