Monday, March 16, 2009

Celtics SUCK. Villanuava Twitters Bucks To Victory. 86-77.

    The Celtics have had some cringe-worthy games this year, but yesterday's loss to the Milwaukee Bucks might just take the cake. There were a few bright spots to the game. Most notably, Perk played a ballsy game, scoring a career high 26 points and 12 boards. Besides that everyone pretty much played like ass. Rondo had an exceptionally horrific performance, Doc coached like it was 2005, and I'm convinced Starbury is quietly sucking the life out of this team.

    The real story of the game occured at half-time, when Bucks foward Charlie Villanuava "Twittered" from the Bucks locker room. He wrote:

    In da locker room, snuck to post my twitt. We're playing the Celtics, tie ball game at da half. Coach wants more toughness. I gotta step up.

    Now the post alone is not really a big deal. He did not undermine his coach, or talk sh*t about the Celtics, so its hard to get too bent out of shape. It was more of an "inspirational" Tweet, and to his credit, he torched the Celtics in the second half. More significant is the precedent this sets for professional athletes. Up until recently Twitter has been used primarily as a communication mechanism by nerds, since they are incapable of leaving their house/ talking to women. In the last couple of months however, Celebreties have embraced the micro-blogging platform. Sick of normal people getting any attention, Celebs have put their movies on hold and picked up their laptops. You can now follow the likes of Demi Moore, Brittny Spears, or even MC Hammer, and what their doing every second of the day. While I could give two craps about what time Demi changes Ashton's diaper, more and more professional atheletes are starting to Twitter. This is a dream come-true for any sports fan. Professional athletes can barely drive to work without doing something stupid. Can you imagine how entertaining it will be when they are all on Twitter? Charlie Villanuava "sneaking" off to Twitter during a professional basketball game is only the beggining. Whats next? Twittering form the bench? We can only pray.

    Watching the Celtics get their asses handed to them by the Bucks is not my idea of a good time. However, if you give Steph a blackberry and let him "express himself" during the game; the Celtics could be losing by 50 and I'd still watch.

    You can follow Charlie Villanuava at URL:
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