Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Celticsblog Sucks, the Aftermath

    While my homie Nic did an outstanding job of coming out of nowhere to randomly smash Celticsblog the other day, I feel I need to respond to some of the negative feedback we have been receiving as a fallout. These are some fake responses.

    "Did you need to use the word 'suck'? It hurt my feelings."

    This was, by far, the most popular message we got. We had several hundred variations on this theme. Celticsbloggers are a thoughtful, sensitive crowd. Quit whining! Boston is supposed to be a tough town. I know you Celticsbloggers are from Delaware... but come on. Plus, this is the internet, where 12-year-olds are encouraged to call high level executives cock gobblers, or worse, and vice versa. Jeff Clark and his minions run their messageboard as if they are everyone's overprotective fundamentalist father that doesn't believe in dancing, women showing their ankles in public, or dinosaurs. Power to them. However, it doesn't mean they can impose their Victorian moral code on I*Heart*Celtics, or the rest of the internet, for that matter. Nut up, dorks.

    "Why didn't you mention me by name? I keep Celticsblog alive! Has all my hard work gone in vain!?"

    No way girlfriend!! We all definitely appreciate the hundreds upon hundreds of Celtics links every day. Sure, many of them are just quoting each other. Sure, most people don't need to look in 75 different newspapers to verify that the Celtics had, indeed, traded for Kevin Garnett. However, when I am reading the Celtics coverage in the Globe in the morning, I often find myself wondering, "What does the Saipan Tribune or the Seacoast Online have to say about Eddie House's experience at point guard?" That's what you're there for, FLCelticsFan- drudging up random and uninformed opinions from people we have never heard of.

    "I don't think you guys are being fair. We have written recently about how the Celtics need to work together, how the Celtics need to shoot well and rebound, and how it's important to have a strong bench. That's the kind of hard-hitting analysis you'll never find in the Globe, Herald, or in Mr. McGarty's high school journalism class."
    -Bob Day

    True. Whenever I am wondering whether the Celtics will need to play well as a team in order to win, I get my answers at Celticsblog. Additionally, I never gave Celticsblog credit that time last year when I was wondering, "Will the Celtics need strong point guard play to contend for a championship?" The answer, thanks to Celticsblog, was yes.

    "You guys are immature! I am going to drop a Charlie Chaplin reference on you that will make your head spin!"

    Fair enough! I*Heart*Celtics is to immaturity what Celticsblog is to taking themselves too seriously.

    "MOVED: 'Celticsblog sucks'. This conversation has been moved to Off Topic."
    -Celticsblog Admisitrator

    Dammit! I should have seen that coming!

    "You guys are just jealous of Celticsblog."

    Now, this one I saw coming a mile away. It was as predictable as the forthcoming, "Is Rondo A Good Enough Shooter for the Celtics to Be a Contender?" article on Celticsblog. (He is, BTW) For one, there's no way that we can prove that we AREN'T jealous of Celticsblog because you can't prove a negative. I can tell you that I spent all day yesterday not being jealous of Celticsblog, but it wouldn't mean much. Even though it's totally true. However, we can prove that Celticsblog blows as regularly as Vin Baker at traffic stops. The "you're jealous" response is easy because then you don't have to defend Celticsblog's atrocious writing... which no one in their right mind would ever do.

    Come on, dropping Bing Crosby references while using Scott Pollard as a source for how the Celtics' offense is going to look?!? Scott "I Play 30 Games a Season for the Whichever Team is the Most Mediocre That Year" Pollard!? Even worse, one of those jackasses seriously considers signing John Stockton as a backup point guard! The only supporting evidence JB has is that John Stockton is still wears nut-hugging basketball shorts instead of underpants. Flimsy. At best. I guess those articles should be lauded because they actually have a point of view... but still...
    The truth of the matter is that Celticsblog has been annoying for quite some time, for a variety of reasons. Clearly, we're not the only people that think so. It's not their wild success that's irritating. Our quarrels are these:

    1) Their writing is boring, boring, boring.
    2) We're pretty sure that their messageboard moderators are ex-Taliban. If not, the Taliban is definitely taking notes.
    3) They take themselves waa-a-ay too seriously.
    4) They are based in Delaware, the lamest state in the Union, bar none.
    5) They have no sense of humor.

    Should all Celtics fans get along? Should we refrain from making fun of fellow fans, or fellow blogs? Of course not! I watch the Patriots every Sunday, but I don't have anything in common with this troglodyte. Nor do I have anything in common with those horrendous Yankee-hating Red Sox fans that have been watching the Sox for three years and are less articulate than drunk, brain damaged dock workers. Or these dudes. Or crusty old Bob Ryan. Or Dan Shaughnessy. It would be a disservice to all of our readers- meaning our mothers, Nic and Chap's brother, Emster, and the dude that religiously posts about pooping on Jeff Clark in our comments section- if we didn't tell it as we see it. So, as long as Celticsblog is a humorless, sexless, Taliban-run borefest, we will continue to insist that it sucks. Which it does, and will continue to do. So there.Source URL: http://ledger-heath.blogspot.com/2007/08/celticsblog-sucks-aftermath.html
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